EU Projects
full-time / part-time
6 semesters
1st degree, bachelor's degree
Price from
PLN 607 / installment
Full-time – zajęcia odbywają się od poniedziałku do piątku (średnio jest to 6 godzin lekcyjnych dziennie od godzin porannych).
Part-time – For part-time studies, the courses (practical classes, seminars, lectures) are usually held every two weeks on Fridays starting from 16:00, and on Saturdays and Sundays.
Note! The starting and ending time of courses on given days may change depending on the number of hours in the semester and the schedule. The times presented are as close as possible to the actual ones.
The study program combines knowledge in the field of medicine and chemistry with the practical skills for performing a wide range of conventional and cutting-edge cosmetic treatments.
* The Academy reserves the right to modify the courses in accordance with the regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education on the education standards for individual faculties and levels of education, as well as creation and conditions for creation of inter-disciplinary studies and combination majors of July 12, 2007.