


EU Projects



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full-time / part-time


7 semesters


1st degree, bachelor's degree

Price from

PLN 595 / installment

Admission requiremants

Fill out the recruitment form

Compile the necessary documents

The candidate is required to submit documents:

1 current color photograph, attached electronically to the enrollment form, in accordance with the requirements used for issuing identity cards (without headgear on a light background).

  • Attaching a photo to the form is a prerequisite for uploading and submitting documents. The attached photo will be reviewed and approved by the Recruitment Office staff.

Photocopy of the Certificate of Maturity and the original for inspection.

  • Important! A copy of the Maturity Certificate is not a photocopy of it – it will be treated as an original document.
  • Candidates who did not pass the biology matriculation exam are required to take remedial classes in preparation for studies, organized by the Silesian Medical University in Katowice. No additional fees will be charged for participation in the classes.

a medical certificate issued by a physician authorized to carry out medical checkups, that certifies there are no contraindications to study in the field of Dietetics – download the certificate form; (referral for the medical checkup can be obtained at the Admission Office after completing the recruitment form)

  • Przesłanie skierowania w formie skanu następuje wyłącznie na prośbę Kandydata wysłaną na adres:, po uprzednim wypełnieniu formularza rekrutacyjnego.
  • Kandydaci zobowiązani są do dostarczenia zaświadczenia lekarskiego nie później niż do dwóch tygodni od złożenia dokumentów.

kserokopia dokumentu potwierdzającego odbycie szczepienia przeciwko wirusowemu zapaleniu wątroby typu B – WZW typu B (strony z danymi osobowymi i zapisem o szczepieniu) oraz oryginał do wglądu.

  • Information about vaccination is recorded in the child’s medical record book and/or at the family doctor’s. People born in 1996 i później – powinny zostać objęte programem obowiązkowych szczepień noworodków przeciwko WZW typu B.Osoby urodzone w 1986 r. i później – powinny zostać objęte programem szczepień młodzieży w wieku 14 lat.
  • If a candidate has not been vaccinated against hepatitis B, he or she is obliged to get vaccinated and provide confirmation during the first semester of study.

a copy (page with current entry and personal data) of the medical record for sanitary and epidemiological purposes and the original for verification.

  • In case the candidate does not have the abovementioned medical record, he or she is obliged to submit it during the first semester of study.

a photocopy of a disability certificate (if the degree of disability was determined) and the original for verification;

a confirmation of payment for the supplies (the confirmation may also be sent by e-mail to;

a confirmation of the administrative application fee (the confirmation is not required during the premium rate period).

Submit documents in person

Deliver the documents and complete the formalities directly at the Recruitment Office.

You are welcome to visit the Recruitment Office (p. 162, first floor) from Monday to Friday and every last two Saturdays of the month.

Bring your ID card with you to confirm your identity.

Deliver documents by traditional mail

Follow these rules:

Collect photocopies of the documents required below, and in your recruitment profile download and sign additionally: Personal questionnaire, Declaration of commencement of studies, Payment schedule and Regulations of the applicable promotion and Candidate’s declarations.

Send the documentation by traditional mail to the following address: Silesian Medical University in Katowice, ul. A. Mickiewicza 29 40-085 Katowice

Please remember that when providing us with photocopies of your documents, you are obliged to present their originals for inspection, along with your ID card, no later than when you collect your ID card.

Additional information

Before starting the recruitment formalities, please read the documents:

Candidates sign the declaration of commencement of studies, payment schedule and regulations of the applicable promotion directly at the Recruitment Office.


Foreigners who apply for admission to the undergraduate program are required to provide also:

a copy of the Polish Card and the original for verification (if applicable);

a copy of the high school graduation certificate or a document equivalent to the Polish graduation certificate (matura), translated by a sworn translator entered on the list of sworn translators of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Poland and bearing an apostille, and the original for verification;

a certificate confirming knowledge of the Polish language at the proficiency level of at least B2 issued by: The State Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language, authorized by the Minister of Science and Higher Education t o organize examinations of Polish as a foreign language at a given level of proficiency (a Polish or foreign institution of higher education that conducts studies in the field of Polish philology, or a Polish or foreign institution that, for at least three years, has been conducting language courses or classes in Polish or Polish as a foreign language or other educational classes in Polish);

a copy of the insurance policy in case of illness or accident covering the period of education in Poland and the original for verification;

All documents issued in a foreign language will be accepted together with a translation into Polish, prepared by a sworn translator entered on the list of sworn translators of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Poland.


Only candidates who submit a full set of required documents and complete admission formalities for the chosen faculty shall be admitted to studies. Filling only the form in the electronic application system of the Academy or submitting an incomplete set of documents does not guarantee admission.

Medical checkup at the Globiana Medical Center, ul. Zabrska 17, 40-083 Katowice
  • The tests will not be refunded by the university.
    Telephone registration is possible between 8:00 and 18:00, tel. 32 253 27 00
    Referral for tests can be obtained by e-mail after filling out the recruitment form.

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